Shoulder Pack Basket

Weave a useful over the shoulder carrying and foraging basket using rattan. This basket’s shape was designed to mimic the much larger Adirondack style pack baskets but simply has a single long leather strap to wear over the shoulder. As a great exercise in shaping, students will start by learning to weave a filled base and then work to shape their basket to create the desired result. The basket will be finished with a long leather strap, rims and lashing. This basket is approximately 11” high at the back and about 6” across at the top. Some experience is helpful but not necessary.

Skills and Techniques:

  • Learn to work with rattan, a popular splint like basket material
  • Learn the why and how to weave a “filled” base on a basket
  • Learn how to shape a basket as it is woven considering the tension of the weavers
  • Learn how to fit and scarf rims and lash them to the basket


Materials Fee: $55 paid directly to the instructor. Fee covers all materials for the basket as well as a written pattern and use of tools for the workshop.

Special Tools or Equipment: none

Workshop Policies: Please be sure to read our policies before you register for a workshop which can be found here Workshop Policies


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